Friday, June 17, 2011

Reading to Succeed: 5 Strategies

Here are 5 ways to be sure your reading leads to success:

1- Have a goal in mind!
After reading the title and description of a book's content what do you think you could learn? Know what you are seeking to find and it will be that much easier to pinpoint once you begin indulging in your written text.

2- Have reading tools on hand!
If you have a highlighter in hand or post-it tabs you can save your pages without adding unwanted wear and tear on your books. It is much neater to place the sticky tabs on pages you want to revisit than to have a book full of "doggy ears" that you've given several pages.

3- Read from at least two different mindframes!
When I read I am reading from an educator's point of view, a writer's point of view, and a motivator's point of view. I get the most out of reading this way. I can appreciate the writer's style, construct, and presentation of information all the more.

4- Take away quotes!
When you read a line that evokes more emotion than all the others commit it to memory. The line could be a witty joke, advice, a moral, omen, or scripture. Memorize it and the author and recall it often.

5- Write about it!
When you have finished the book revist all the pages you flagged with post-its. Consider how you can apply what you've read to your own life. Summarize your findings, emotions, and ideas in a notebook. Write the author a thank you note of praise. Write an opinion of the book for others considering purchasing it. Mention the book in your blog.

These 5 strategies are sure to make your reading endeavors more successful. Can you implement any one of these strategies today?

Q. August


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